Well finally there has been progress, and I'd like to discuss how it's going! I've been uploading all my newer and updated pieces and replacing the older ones. Let me note here that I decided to UNPUBLISH all my older works until I have the newer version uploaded. I'm doing this because I'm not sure if the newer versions I have are the ones I want to upload. In other words, I might make changes to them. Until then, I'm taking the older versions outta sight until they're polished and ready to go. For example, my song Huedan's Blitz here a Newgrounds was a song I decided to unpublish. I have the newer version ready but I'm unsure if that is the one that I'm happy with. I hope that makes sense to you guys.
Here's one of the main things I want to talk about though: Social media.
I've cleaned up my YouTube channel to host my music. However, since I have no video editing software (Other than Movie Maker lol) I've hit a bit of a roadblock in getting the channel up and running. But let's say I use Movie Maker for the time being, what are my visuals going to be? I have no idea. I'm not sure if I want to just put an image up for the entire video. I WANT to have a visualizer (Similar to Monstercat and Tasty network). However, making one from nothing would be EXTREMELY difficult and it's hard to find one I could use online. (Plus, I need to be careful and watch for copyright. Last thing I need is to get attacked by someone because I used thier visualizer in a YouTube video.) So I'm gonna ask you guys: Any ideas on visuals? I'd like to get the channel up and running ASAP.
Also, I've created a Tumblr blog for all things music related! However, it comes with some issues that need sorting out as well. The main problem is this: I suck at drawing. I'd like a unique header and currently can not draw my own art for the header. I'll probably have to find someone who's willing to make art for me. But finding someone can be difficult. I'm also cleaning up my Google+ so I'd need art for that too. Pretty much any image I'm currently using I'd like to get updated with something nicer.
If you'd like to check out any of these new social media places just check the links out to the left. I'm still fleshing them out so I apologize for any lack of design and/or content. I'm doing the best I can.
Thanks for reading this and of course if you have any comments, please share! I really do look forward to reading them! If you happen to want to do some art for me, a PM would probably be best but you can still comment about it too if that's more your style. From there, we can discuss it further. I'll check in with you guys within a week. Stay bold, stay focused and stay awesome!