Jeez, I'm never consistent and this is my worst yet. This is probably the third time I said I was gonna be consistent. But trust me - I will this time. Going off on many composing sprees really takes me away from reality. I have a few things I want to cover in this post: The past, the present and the future. So let's get to it!
First off I'd like to point out that my audio is gonna get COMPLETELY revamped - this includes my Soundcloud; all the changes made here will be made there too. Essentially I'm gonna fix what I have up now and replace it with better tracks. This brings me into my first point: the past.
In the past (And I'm talking way back, not quite when dinosaurs roamed the Earth, just a handful of years ago) I arranged tracks using a software whose name escapes me at this particular moment. Since those are arrangements and not my own 100% legit work (Anythings from Conquer the Stars album, Lost in Los Angeles and 2 of the 3 remixes. Any loops made using this older software will remain.), I'm going to take those down (More like hide them from the public/unpublish them) I'm gonna dedicate my profile to works that are solely MY CREATIONS (minus like one remix that I want to keep here.). IF you want a track that I have removed, just PM the name of the track if you remember what it was, if not then just PM and I'll send them to you in some way, shape or form. Furthermore, I've pretty much revamped all of my songs to make them better in terms of mastering, quality etc. So, songs like George's Swarm, The Science of Sound are going to get re uploaded with new versions of the song. If, for whatever reason, you want the older copy, I WILL have it and I can send it to you. Again, PM me.
Let's move on to current things. What am I bringing to the table today? I have more drum 'n bass songs and that 'album' (Yeelp's Uprising) if you will, is finished. So I'm uploading all the updated versions of the songs. Like I mentioned, songs like George's Swarm will be updated but newer songs like Gretel's Witchery, Darwin's Awakening and Super Fish!2.0 are being added. Take some time to check them out, I'm proud of how they turned out and I would be ecstatic if you guys enjoyed them as well. Also, a new song: Biohazardous has also been completed and can be grouped with the likes of The Science of Sound, Acids and Basses and Universe in Balance (The album is called The Science of it). Y'know, all those 'science-like' songs. I have another loop as well: The Technical Techno. So there IS new stuff coming to my Newgrounds page. I'll try to do as much as I can tonight but you know what they say: Rome wasn't built in a day!
And let's talk about the future. I'm currently looking at universities to apply to and I'm keeping music in mind. Who knows where I'll end up going but I'll keep you guys in the know. I'm gonna start taking this profile more seriously. I might kinda treat it as a blog and post once a week. That's kinda my goal. This applies to the entire like, 2 followers I have XD. But I plan to build this profile from the ground up so I might as well have some transparency with my 2 followers. I also suppose activity on this page will draw in more people so hey, it's a start.
So, small group of followers, if you read all of this, thanks. It means a lot. Let me know what you guys think in the comments it'd be nice to hear from you! I'll check in with you guys next week. Stay bold, stay focused and stay awesome!
Watch out for the bad guys who will CRT your audio.
Yeah after reviewing all the terms and conditions from being away for forever, I now realize I need to be *very* careful of what I put here. Last time I was here, the AP seemed a lot more friendlier. But maybe that was just me. Now though, I feel a little uneasy seeing all this 'don't do this' and 'don't do that'. I assume it's because Newgrounds needs to cover its own bases because the term 'your own creation' is a very fickle term. You made it, but you sampled stuff from something else, etc. Thankfully I'm not going walk the line between 'my own work' and 'not my own work' - at least I don't plan on it. Provided I follow the rules. Those bad guys should only be able to give me a bad review.